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Specilaized SWAT BOX
CHF 85.-
Specialized Roubaix/Ruby SWAT Road Kit
Specialized Road Swat Storage Kit (2017-2019)Technical information
Specialized Road Swat Storage Kit, the Road Kit device is the SWAT ™ solution for the new Roubaix and Ruby, completely integrated to store anything that may be needed to make up for minor repairs.
Includes SWAT ™ Road multi-tool, CO2 head, 700c Turbo tube, valve extender, and banknote clip.
Can contain a 16g Co2 cartridge (not included).
Compatible with the new Roubaix and Ruby SWAT.
UVP 164.90 VK 85.00
Besichtigung ist zu den Öffnungszeiten bei uns im Shop möglich.
Versand möglich (nur Schweiz), zzgl. Porto CHF 11.50